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Publication : Analysis of IgM antibody production and repertoire in a mouse model of Sjögren's syndrome.

First Author  Kramer JM Year  2016
Journal  J Leukoc Biol Volume  99
Issue  2 Pages  321-31
PubMed ID  26382297 Mgi Jnum  J:242870
Mgi Id  MGI:5906975 Doi  10.1189/jlb.2A0715-297R
Citation  Kramer JM, et al. (2016) Analysis of IgM antibody production and repertoire in a mouse model of Sjogren's syndrome. J Leukoc Biol 99(2):321-31
abstractText  This study tested the hypothesis that B cells from salivary tissue are distinct in terms of proliferative capacity, immunoglobulin M secretion, repertoire, and autoantibody enrichment in Sjogren's syndrome. We sorted purified B cells from the spleen, cervical lymph nodes, and submandibular glands of a primary Sjogren's syndrome mouse model (Id3(-/-)). Enzyme-linked immunospot and proliferation assays were performed with stimulated B cells. We single-cell sorted B cells from the spleen, cervical lymph nodes, and submandibular gland tissue from Sjogren's syndrome mice and sequenced immunoglobulin M heavy-chain variable regions. Finally, autoantigen arrays were performed using immunoglobulin M derived from sera, cervical lymph nodes, spleens, and submandibular gland tissue of Id3(-/-) animals. Results suggest B cells from salivary tissue of Sjogren's syndrome mice are similar to those from secondary immune sites in terms of proliferative and secretory capacity. However, differences in repertoire usage, heavy chain complementarity-determining region 3 length, mutational frequency, and N region addition were observed among B cells derived from submandibular gland, cervical lymph node, and spleen tissue. Moreover, autoantigen array data show immunoglobulin M from salivary B cells have enriched specificity for Ro (Sjogren's syndrome A) and La (Sjogren's syndrome B). All together, these data suggest salivary B cells have unique repertoire characteristics that likely influence autoantigen binding and contribute to Sjogren's syndrome disease in a tissue-specific manner.
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