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Publication : Local processing in neurites of VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells differentially organizes visual information.

First Author  Hsiang JC Year  2017
Journal  Elife Volume  6
PubMed ID  29022876 Mgi Jnum  J:248315
Mgi Id  MGI:5920684 Doi  10.7554/eLife.31307
Citation  Hsiang JC, et al. (2017) Local processing in neurites of VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells differentially organizes visual information. Elife 6:e31307
abstractText  Neurons receive synaptic inputs on extensive neurite arbors. How information is organized across arbors and how local processing in neurites contributes to circuit function is mostly unknown. Here, we used two-photon Ca2+ imaging to study visual processing in VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells (VG3-ACs) in the mouse retina. Contrast preferences (ON vs. OFF) varied across VG3-AC arbors depending on the laminar position of neurites, with ON responses preferring larger stimuli than OFF responses. Although arbors of neighboring cells overlap extensively, imaging population activity revealed continuous topographic maps of visual space in the VG3-AC plexus. All VG3-AC neurites responded strongly to object motion, but remained silent during global image motion. Thus, VG3-AC arbors limit vertical and lateral integration of contrast and location information, respectively. We propose that this local processing enables the dense VG3-AC plexus to contribute precise object motion signals to diverse targets without distorting target-specific contrast preferences and spatial receptive fields.
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