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Publication : Overexpression of phospholamban alters inactivation kinetics of L-type Ca2+ channel currents in mouse atrial myocytes.

First Author  Masaki H Year  1998
Journal  J Mol Cell Cardiol Volume  30
Issue  2 Pages  317-25
PubMed ID  9515008 Mgi Jnum  J:127778
Mgi Id  MGI:3764801 Doi  10.1006/jmcc.1997.0594
Citation  Masaki H, et al. (1998) Overexpression of phospholamban alters inactivation kinetics of L-type Ca2+ channel currents in mouse atrial myocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol 30(2):317-25
abstractText  In mammalian ventricular myocytes, inactivation of L-type Ca2+ channels (CaCh) is controlled by voltage- and Ca2+-dependent mechanisms. The Ca2+-dependent component is regulated by the Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). However, little is known about the inactivation properties of CaCh in atrial myocytes, which lack spatial coupling between CaCh and SR Ca2+ release channels. The cardiac SR Ca2+ load is determined by the activity of SR Ca2+-ATPase, which is inversely regulated by the levels of phospholamban (PLB). To investigate the role of SR Ca2+ in atrial myocytes, Ca2+ currents (I Ca) were recorded in mouse atrial myocytes recorded from wild-type (WT) mice and the characteristics were compared to those obtained from atrial myocytes from the transgenic mice overexpressing PLB (PLB-OEX). ICa from WT exhibited fast and slow components of inactivation and the rate of inactivation was slowed when SR Ca2+ was depleted by caffeine, suggesting that the inactivation of atrial ICa is modulated by SR Ca2+ load. The current density and voltage-dependence of ICa were similar between the two groups. However, the fast component of inactivation was significantly reduced in PLB-OEX. When Ca2+ was replaced by Ba2+ or in the presence of caffeine, inactivation was slowed and the decay of the current was not significantly different between WT and PLB-OEX. These results suggest that the inactivation of ICa in mouse atrial myocytes involves Ca2+-dependent and voltage-dependent components. The decrease in the faster component of inactivation in PLB-OEX is consistent with the idea that CaCh and SR Ca2+ release channels are functionally coupled and Ca2+ released from the SR contributes the Ca2+-dependent inactivation component.Copyright 1998 Academic Press Limited.
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