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Allele : Ints8<em2(IMPC)Tcp> integrator complex subunit 8; endonuclease-mediated mutation 2, The Centre for Phenogenomics

Primary Identifier  MGI:7464374 Allele Type  Endonuclease-mediated
Attribute String  Null/knockout Gene  Ints8
Inheritance Mode  Not Specified Strain of Origin  C57BL/6NCrl
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false
Project Collection  IMPC
molecularNote  This allele was generated at The Centre for Phenogenomics by electroporating Cpf1/Cas12a ribonucleoprotein complexes with single guide RNAs having spacer sequences of CUAAGGGCACACAUUGUAGGU targeting the 5' side and UUCAGACAUUCUUCAGACGCU targeting the 3' side of a critical region (ENSMUSE00001290156 and ENSMUSE00001223878). This resulted in a 2121-bp deletion of Chr4 from 11227066 to 11229186 with insertion of CCTTA (GRCm39).
  • mutations:
  • Intragenic deletion
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