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Publication : T cells expressing the transcription factor PLZF regulate the development of memory-like CD8+ T cells.

First Author  Weinreich MA Year  2010
Journal  Nat Immunol Volume  11
Issue  8 Pages  709-16
PubMed ID  20601952 Mgi Jnum  J:162317
Mgi Id  MGI:4818705 Doi  10.1038/ni.1898
Citation  Weinreich MA, et al. (2010) T cells expressing the transcription factor PLZF regulate the development of memory-like CD8+ T cells. Nat Immunol 11(8):709-16
abstractText  Several gene-deficiency models promote the development of innate CD8(+) T cells that have diverse T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) but have a memory phenotype and rapidly produce cytokines. We demonstrate here that similar cells developed in mice deficient in the transcription factor KLF2. However, this was not due to intrinsic deficiency in KLF2 but instead was due to interleukin 4 (IL-4) produced by an expanded population of T cells expressing the transcription factor PLZF. The development of innate CD8(+) T cells in mice deficient in the tyrosine kinase Itk and coactivator CBP was also attributable to this IL-4-dependent mechanism. Finally, we show that the same mechanism drove the differentiation of innate CD8(+) T cells in BALB/c mice. Our findings identify a previously unknown mechanism of regulation of CD8(+) T cells via the production of IL-4 by PLZF(+) T cells.
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