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Publication : TGFβ signaling promotes juvenile granulosa cell tumorigenesis by suppressing apoptosis.

First Author  Mansouri-Attia N Year  2014
Journal  Mol Endocrinol Volume  28
Issue  11 Pages  1887-98
PubMed ID  25243859 Mgi Jnum  J:218427
Mgi Id  MGI:5617451 Doi  10.1210/me.2014-1217
Citation  Mansouri-Attia N, et al. (2014) TGFbeta signaling promotes juvenile granulosa cell tumorigenesis by suppressing apoptosis. Mol Endocrinol 28(11):1887-98
abstractText  Molecular changes that give rise to granulosa cell tumors of the ovary are not well understood. Previously, we showed that deletion in granulosa cells of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor-signaling transcription factors, Smad1 and Smad5, causes development of metastatic granulosa cell tumors that phenocopy the juvenile form of granulosa cell tumors (JGCTs) in humans. The TGFbeta-SMAD2/3 pathway is active in JGCTs, but its role is unknown. We tested the in vivo contribution of TGFbeta-SMAD signaling to JGCT development by genetically deleting the common Smad4 from Smad1/5 double knockout mice. Smad1/5/4 triple knockout mice were sterile and had significantly increased survival and delayed tumor development compared to those for the Smad1/5 double knockout mice. The few tumors that did develop were smaller, showed no evidence of metastasis, and had increased apoptosis. In the human JGCT cell line COV434, TGFbeta1 increased viability by inhibiting apoptosis through a TGFbeta type I receptor-dependent repression of caspase activity and inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. These data support a tumor-promoting function of TGFbeta in JGCTs through its ability to repress apoptosis.
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