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Publication : Derivation and characterization of a somatic cell hybrid containing the portion of mouse chromosome 11 (MMU11) homologous to human chromosome 17q.

First Author  Morris-Rosendahl DJ Year  1996
Journal  J Hered Volume  87
Issue  3 Pages  252-8
PubMed ID  8683100 Mgi Jnum  J:33546
Mgi Id  MGI:81025 Doi  10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a022997
Citation  Morris-Rosendahl DJ, et al. (1996) Derivation and characterization of a somatic cell hybrid containing the portion of mouse chromosome 11 (MMU11) homologous to human chromosome 17q. J Hered 87(3):252-8
abstractText  To contribute to the physical gene map of mouse chromosome 11 (MMU11) and to extend the mapping resources available for this chromosome, we have produced mouse x rat somatic cell hybrids containing only bands B5 to E of MMU11. Characterization of the hybrids by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and Southern blot analyses of MMU11 markers revealed two hybrids, T16Ad14B and T16Ad19A, that had selectively retained the 3(11) translocation product containing distal MMU11 (bands B5-E). Cytogenetic analysis of the hybrid T16Ad14B by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and conventional G-banding confirmed the presence of the 3(11) translocation chromosome. Mapping of markers in both the T16Ad14B and T16Ad19A hybrids localized the T16Ad translocation breakpoint between the proximal markers Atplb2 and Acrb and the more distal markers Scya2 and Mpo. Loci for D11Mit5, Rpo2-1, Trp53, Glut4, Acrb, and Atplb2 could all be localized proximal to the T16Ad breakpoint in band B5, between bands B1 and B5 on MMU11.
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