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Publication : Expression of PTPIP51 during mouse eye development.

First Author  Maerker D Year  2008
Journal  Histochem Cell Biol Volume  129
Issue  3 Pages  345-56
PubMed ID  18084773 Mgi Jnum  J:133715
Mgi Id  MGI:3783968 Doi  10.1007/s00418-007-0361-z
Citation  Maerker D, et al. (2008) Expression of PTPIP51 during mouse eye development. Histochem Cell Biol 129(3):345-56
abstractText  The expression pattern of the novel tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51 (PTPIP51) was studied during the organogenesis of mouse eye on a transcriptional (RT-PCR and in situ hybridization) and translational level (immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting). Timed developmental stages from day E12 to day E18 were analyzed regarding the distribution of PTPIP51 and compared to the expression patterns observed during postnatal developmental stages and adult eye. PTPIP51 was found to be expressed in all investigated developmental stages in derivatives of mesoderm and ectoderm, such as developing cornea, lens, neuroretina and extraocular muscles. Conjuctiva and corneal epithelia were PTPIP51 reactive during all investigated developmental stages including the mature eye. Embryonic differentiation led to reactive keratocytes of the corneal stroma and remained so in post partal stages, as well as in the adult eye. On day E12, all cells comprising the developing lens body showed PTPIP51 expression. Further development unto the adult eye resulted in a restriction of PTPIP51 expression to the anterior lens epithelium and finally to the equatorial region of the lens epithelium. The developing neuroretina showed a strong PTPIP51 expression in the inner neuroblastic layer and the future receptor cell layer. In the adult eye, the retinal ganglion cells and the inner nuclear layer remained PTPIP51 reactive. The data presented here suggests PTPIP51 to be integrated in signaling cascades regulating differentiation and apoptosis during eye development.
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