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Publication : Nuclear localisation of endogenous SUMO-1-modified PDGF-C in human thyroid tissue and cell lines.

First Author  Reigstad LJ Year  2006
Journal  Exp Cell Res Volume  312
Issue  6 Pages  782-95
PubMed ID  16443219 Mgi Jnum  J:107894
Mgi Id  MGI:3622494 Doi  10.1016/j.yexcr.2005.11.035
Citation  Reigstad LJ, et al. (2006) Nuclear localisation of endogenous SUMO-1-modified PDGF-C in human thyroid tissue and cell lines. Exp Cell Res 312(6):782-95
abstractText  We investigated post-translational modification and subcellular localisation of endogenous platelet-derived growth factor-C (PDGF-C) in human thyroid papillary carcinomas (PTC), non-neoplastic thyroid tissues, and a selection of cultured cell lines. PDGF-C expressed nuclear localisation in 95% of all tested cell types in culture and in 10% of the thyrocytes from both PTC and non-neoplastic tissue. The cell lines expressed two forms of full-length PDGF-C, approximately 39 and approximately 55 kDa, in cell membrane and cytosol, while the approximately 55 kDa form dominated in the nucleus where it was partly chromatin-associated. The approximately 55 kDa form was post-translationally modified by SUMO-1. The putative PDGF-C SUMOylation site is the surface exposed (314)lysine part of a positively charged loop ((312)RPKTGVRGLHK(322)) with characteristics of a nuclear localisation signal. The tissue thyrocytes expressed a non-SUMOylated approximately 43 kDa and the 55 kDa PDGF-C. The SUMO-1 modified approximately 55 kDa PDGF-C expression was low in PTC where the approximately 43 kDa PDGF-C dominated. This is in contrast to non-neoplastic tissue and cultured cells where the SUMOylated approximately 55 kDa PDGF-C was strongly expressed. Our data provide novel evidence for nuclear localisation of PDGF-C, post-translational modification by SUMOylation and the expression of a novel form of PDGF-C in human papillary thyroid carcinomas.
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