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Publication : Lack of insulin receptor substrate-2 causes progressive neointima formation in response to vessel injury.

First Author  Kubota T Year  2003
Journal  Circulation Volume  107
Issue  24 Pages  3073-80
PubMed ID  12810606 Mgi Jnum  J:99746
Mgi Id  MGI:3583689 Doi  10.1161/01.CIR.0000070937.52035.25
Citation  Kubota T, et al. (2003) Lack of insulin receptor substrate-2 causes progressive neointima formation in response to vessel injury. Circulation 107(24):3073-80
abstractText  BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance is associated with atherosclerosis, but its mechanism is unknown. It has been reported that insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 deficient (IRS-1-/-) mice showed insulin resistance without type 2 diabetes, whereas the IRS-2 deficient (IRS-2-/-) mice showed insulin resistance with type 2 diabetes. METHODS AND RESULTS: We investigated neointima formation in the IRS-1-/- and IRS-2-/- mice at 8 and 20 weeks. The IRS-2-/- mice showed much greater neointima formation than the IRS-1-/- and wild-type mice at 8 weeks. At 20 weeks, the IRS-2-/- mice had greater neointima formation than the IRS-1-/- mice, which showed more enhanced neointima formation than the wild-type mice. The IRS-1-/- and IRS-2-/- mice had dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance. The IRS-2-/- mice had more metabolic abnormalities than the IRS-1-/- mice at 8 and 20 weeks. IRS-2 expression was detected, but IRS-1 expression was not detected in the vessels. CONCLUSIONS: The neointima formation in the IRS-1-/- and IRS-2-/- mice appears to be related to abnormalities induced by the altered metabolic milieu in insulin-resistant states. Moreover, because neointima formation was much greater in the IRS-2-/- mice than in the IRS-1-/- mice at 8 and 20 weeks, it is suggested that a lack of IRS-2 renders the vasculature more susceptible to injury in the abnormal metabolic milieu, and IRS-2 may have a protective effect on neointima formation. We conclude that IRS-2 is protective and retards the development of neointima formation in insulin-resistant states.
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