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Publication : Patterns of expression of sperm flagellar genes: early expression of genes encoding axonemal proteins during the spermatogenic cycle and shared features of promoters of genes encoding central apparatus proteins.

First Author  Horowitz E Year  2005
Journal  Mol Hum Reprod Volume  11
Issue  4 Pages  307-17
PubMed ID  15829580 Mgi Jnum  J:293047
Mgi Id  MGI:6451203 Doi  10.1093/molehr/gah163
Citation  Horowitz E, et al. (2005) Patterns of expression of sperm flagellar genes: early expression of genes encoding axonemal proteins during the spermatogenic cycle and shared features of promoters of genes encoding central apparatus proteins. Mol Hum Reprod 11(4):307-17
abstractText  Sperm are motile cells. Thus, a significant component of the spermatogenic cycle is devoted to the formation of flagellum, a process that must be coordinated to insure proper construction. To document the temporal pattern of flagellar gene expression, we employed real-time PCR to assess changes in accumulation of a cohort of genes encoding axoneme, outer dense fibre (ODF) and fibrous sheath (FS) proteins during the first wave of spermatogenesis in the mouse. Axoneme genes were expressed first at the pachytene spermatocyte stage, followed by expression of transcripts encoding ODF and FS components. However, there were differences among these families with respect to the time of initial expression and the rate of mRNA accumulation. To gain understanding of factors that determine these patterns of expression, we cloned the promoters of three axoneme central apparatus genes (Pf6, Spag6 and Pf20). These promoters shared common features including the absence of a TATA box, and putative binding sites for several factors implicated in spermatogenesis (CREB/CREM, SOX17 and SPZ1) as well as ciliogenesis (FOXJ1). Collectively, our findings demonstrate a sequential pattern of expression of flagellar component genes, differential times of expression or rates of transcript accumulation within each class and shared promoter features within a class.
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