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Publication : Cerebellar brain-derived neurotrophic factor-TrkB defect associated with impairment of eyeblink conditioning in Stargazer mutant mice.

First Author  Qiao X Year  1998
Journal  J Neurosci Volume  18
Issue  17 Pages  6990-9
PubMed ID  9712667 Mgi Jnum  J:49719
Mgi Id  MGI:1278051 Doi  10.1523/JNEUROSCI.18-17-06990.1998
Citation  Qiao X, et al. (1998) Cerebellar brain-derived neurotrophic factor-TrkB defect associated with impairment of eyeblink conditioning in Stargazer mutant mice. J Neurosci 18(17):6990-9
abstractText  In the spontaneous ataxic mutant mouse stargazer, there is a selective reduction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in the cerebellum. BDNF protein levels in the cerebellum are reduced by 70%. Despite normal levels of full length and truncated TrkB receptor, constitutive and neurotrophin-4/5-induced tyrosine phosphorylation was significantly reduced in several signal transduction molecules, including phospholipase-C gamma 1, erk1, and erk2. Morphological examination revealed an increased number of external granule cells at postnatal day 15 and the presence of abnormal neurons resembling immature granule cells in the adult. These abnormalities are associated with a severe impairment in the acquisition of classical eyeblink conditioning, indicating cerebellar malfunction. Our data suggest that normal BDNF expression and TrkB signal transduction in the cerebellum are necessary for learning and plasticity in this model.
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