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Publication : Selective breeding for extremes in open-field activity of mice entails a differentiation of hippocampal mossy fibers.

First Author  Hausheer-Zarmakupi Z Year  1996
Journal  Behav Genet Volume  26
Issue  2 Pages  167-76
PubMed ID  8639152 Mgi Jnum  J:33201
Mgi Id  MGI:80682 Doi  10.1007/BF02359894
Citation  Hausheer-Zarmakupi Z, et al. (1996) Selective breeding for extremes in open-field activity of mice entails a differentiation of hippocampal mossy fibers. Behav Genet 26(2):167-76
abstractText  The brains of mice selectively bred for differential locomotor activity in an open field (DeFries et al., Behav. Genet. 8:3-13, 1978) were analyzed for selection- dependent changes in the size of synaptic fields at the midseptotemporal level of the hippocampus. Timm-stained areas of all hippocampal fields from both left and right hippocampi were measured on five horizontal sections from the midseptotemporal level. The sample included 25 mice from two replicate lines, each one consisting of a high (HI); a low (LO), and a control line (CTL). The main selection effect was an enlargement of the intrainfrapyramidal messy fiber (IIP-MF) projection in both HI lines by about 70% compared to LO and CTL mice (p < .0001), while other messy fiber fields did not show differences. These findings confirm that genetic variations of the IIP-MF projection influence hippocampal processes mediating exploratory activities.
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