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Publication : Hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase (H-Pgds) is expressed in the early embryonic gonad and participates to the initial nuclear translocation of the SOX9 protein.

First Author  Moniot B Year  2011
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  240
Issue  10 Pages  2335-43
PubMed ID  21887724 Mgi Jnum  J:176205
Mgi Id  MGI:5289711 Doi  10.1002/dvdy.22726
Citation  Moniot B, et al. (2011) Hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase (H-Pgds) is expressed in the early embryonic gonad and participates to the initial nuclear translocation of the SOX9 protein. Dev Dyn 240(10):2335-43
abstractText  In mammals, the Prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2) ) signaling pathway is involved in male gonadal development, regulating Sox9 gene expression and SOX9 protein subcellular localization through lipocalin prostaglandin D synthase (L-Pgds) activity. Nevertheless, because L-Pgds is downstream of Sox9, its expression cannot explain the initial nuclear translocation of the SOX9 protein. Here, we show that another source of PGD(2) , hematopoietic-Pgds (H-Pgds) enzyme is expressed in somatic and germ cells of the embryonic gonad of both sexes, as early as embryonic day (E) 10.5, before the onset of L-Pgds expression. Inhibition of H-Pgds activity by the specific HQL-79 inhibitor leads to impaired nuclear translocation of SOX9 protein in E11.5 Sertoli cells. Furthermore, analysis of H-Pgds(-/-) male embryonic gonads confirms abnormal subcellular localization of SOX9 protein at the E11.5 early stage of mouse testicular differentiation suggesting a role for H-Pgds-produced PGD(2) in the initial nuclear translocation of SOX9.
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