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Publication : Local transcriptional control of utrophin expression at the neuromuscular synapse.

First Author  Gramolini AO Year  1997
Journal  J Biol Chem Volume  272
Issue  13 Pages  8117-20
PubMed ID  9079621 Mgi Jnum  J:39437
Mgi Id  MGI:86818 Doi  10.1074/jbc.272.13.8117
Citation  Gramolini AO, et al. (1997) Local transcriptional control of utrophin expression at the neuromuscular synapse. J Biol Chem 272(13):8117-20
abstractText  Recently, the use of a transgenic mouse model system for Duchenne muscular dystrophy has demonstrated the ability of utrophin to functionally replace dystrophin and alleviate the muscle pathology (see Tinsley, J. M., Potter, A. C., Phelps, S. R., Fisher, R., Trickett, J. I., and Davies, K. E. (1996) Nature 384, 349-353). However, there is currently a clear lack of information concerning the regulatory mechanisms presiding over utrophin expression during normal myogenesis and synaptogenesis. Using in situ hybridization, we show that utrophin mRNAs selectively accumulate within the postsynaptic sarcoplasm of adult muscle fibers. In addition, we demonstrate that a 1.3-kilobase fragment of the human utrophin promoter is sufficient to confer synapse-specific expression to a reporter gene. Deletion of 800 base pairs from this promoter fragment reduces the overall expression of the reporter gene and abolishes its synapse-specific expression. Finally, we also show that utrophin is present at the postsynaptic membrane of ectopic synapses induced to form at sites distant from the original neuromuscular junctions. Taken together, these results indicate that nerve-derived factors regulate locally the transcriptional activation of the utrophin gene in skeletal muscle fibers and that myonuclei located in extrasynaptic regions are capable of expressing utrophin upon receiving appropriate neuronal cues.
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