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Publication : Gene targeting at the mouse cytokeratin 10 locus: severe skin fragility and changes of cytokeratin expression in the epidermis.

First Author  Porter RM Year  1996
Journal  J Cell Biol Volume  132
Issue  5 Pages  925-36
PubMed ID  8603923 Mgi Jnum  J:31853
Mgi Id  MGI:79356 Doi  10.1083/jcb.132.5.925
Citation  Porter RM, et al. (1996) Gene targeting at the mouse cytokeratin 10 locus: severe skin fragility and changes of cytokeratin expression in the epidermis. J Cell Biol 132(5):925-36
abstractText  Bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (BCIE) is a dominantly inherited blistering skin disorder caused by point mutations in the suprabasal cytokeratins 1 or 10. Targeting the murine cytokeratin 10 gene in ES cells resulted in mice with different phenotypes in the homozygotes and heterozygotes; both of which exhibit similarities to specific clinical characteristics of BCIE. Homozygotes suffered from severe skin fragility and died shortly after birth. Heterozygotes were apparently unaffected at birth, but developed hyperkeratosis with age. In both genotypes, aggregation of cytokeratin intermediate filaments, changes in cytokeratin expression, and alterations in the program of epidermal differentiation were observed. In addition we demonstrate, for the first time, the existence of the murine equivalent of human cytokeratin 16.
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