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Publication : An anterograde pathway for sensory axon degeneration gated by a cytoplasmic action of the transcriptional regulator P53.

First Author  Simon DJ Year  2021
Journal  Dev Cell Volume  56
Issue  7 Pages  976-984.e3
PubMed ID  33823136 Mgi Jnum  J:332691
Mgi Id  MGI:6728256 Doi  10.1016/j.devcel.2021.03.011
Citation  Simon DJ, et al. (2021) An anterograde pathway for sensory axon degeneration gated by a cytoplasmic action of the transcriptional regulator P53. Dev Cell 56(7):976-984.e3
abstractText  Axon remodeling through sprouting and pruning contributes to the refinement of developing neural circuits. A prominent example is the pruning of developing sensory axons deprived of neurotrophic support, which is mediated by a caspase-dependent (apoptotic) degeneration process. Distal sensory axons possess a latent apoptotic pathway, but a cell body-derived signal that travels anterogradely down the axon is required for pathway activation. The signaling mechanisms that underlie this anterograde process are poorly understood. Here, we show that the tumor suppressor P53 is required for anterograde signaling. Interestingly loss of P53 blocks axonal but not somatic (i.e., cell body) caspase activation. Unexpectedly, P53 does not appear to have an acute transcriptional role in this process and instead appears to act in the cytoplasm to directly activate the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in axons. Our data support the operation of a cytoplasmic role for P53 in the anterograde death of developing sensory axons.
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