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Publication : Fine-tuning of β-catenin in mouse thymic epithelial cells is required for postnatal T-cell development.

First Author  Fujimori S Year  2022
Journal  Elife Volume  11
PubMed ID  35042581 Mgi Jnum  J:318898
Mgi Id  MGI:6861545 Doi  10.7554/eLife.69088
Citation  Fujimori S, et al. (2022) Fine-tuning of beta-catenin in mouse thymic epithelial cells is required for postnatal T-cell development. Elife 11:e69088
abstractText  In the thymus, the thymic epithelium provides a microenvironment essential for the development of functionally competent and self-tolerant T cells. Previous findings showed that modulation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in mouse thymic epithelial cells (TECs) disrupts embryonic thymus organogenesis. However, the role of beta-catenin in TECs for postnatal T-cell development remains to be elucidated. Here, we analyzed gain-of-function (GOF) and loss-of-function (LOF) of beta-catenin highly specific in mouse TECs. We found that GOF of beta-catenin in TECs results in severe thymic dysplasia and T-cell deficiency beginning from the embryonic period. By contrast, LOF of beta-catenin in TECs reduces the number of cortical TECs and thymocytes modestly and only postnatally. These results indicate that fine-tuning of beta-catenin expression within a permissive range is required for TECs to generate an optimal microenvironment to support postnatal T-cell development.
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