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Allele : a<t-2Gso> nonagouti; black and tan 2 Generoso

Primary Identifier  MGI:2651789 Allele Type  Spontaneous
Gene  a Inheritance Mode  Other (see notes)
Strain of Origin  (SEC/RlGso a Tyrp1<b> Tyr<c-ch> x C57BL/RlGso a)F1 Is Recombinase  false
Is Wild Type  false
description  This allele is recessive to A and Aw on the dorsum and dominant to all agouti alleles on the ventrum except for Aw from which it is indistinguishable (J:78801) .
molecularNote  Characterization of this allele shows an insertion of DNA comprising a 5.5kb virus-like element, VL30, into the first intron of the agouti gene. The VL30 element itself contains an additional 5.5 kb sequence, flanked by 526 bp of direct repeats. The host intergration site is the same as for at-2Gso and Aw-38J and includes a duplication of four nucleotides of host DNA and a deletion of 2 bp from the end of each repeat.
  • mutations:
  • Viral insertion
  • synonyms:
  • SB B+ T,
  • SB B+ T
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Trail: Allele


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Trail: Allele