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Publication : Early embryonic lethality caused by targeted disruption of the mouse thioredoxin gene.

First Author  Matsui M Year  1996
Journal  Dev Biol Volume  178
Issue  1 Pages  179-85
PubMed ID  8812119 Mgi Jnum  J:35059
Mgi Id  MGI:82510 Doi  10.1006/dbio.1996.0208
Citation  Matsui M, et al. (1996) Early embryonic lethality caused by targeted disruption of the mouse thioredoxin gene. Dev Biol 178(1):179-85
abstractText  Thioredoxins belong to a widely distributed group of small proteins with strong reducing activities mediated by a consensus redox-active dithiol (Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys). Thioredoxin was first isolated as a hydrogen donor for enzymatic synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides by ribonucleotide reductase in Escherichia coli. Recent studies have revealed a variety of roles that thioredoxin plays in transcription, growth control, and immune function. In this report, we describe the phenotype of mice carrying a targeted disruption of the thioredoxin gene (Txn). Heterozygotes are viable, fertile, and appear normal. In contrast, homozygous mutants die shortly after implantation, and the concepti were resorbed prior to gastrulation. When preimplantation embryos were placed in culture, the inner cell mass cells of the homozygous embryos failed to proliferate. These results indicate that Txn expression is essential for early differentiation and morphogenesis of the mouse embryo.
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