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Publication : New mutant - achondroplasia - cn

First Author  Dickie MM Year  1960
Journal  Mouse News Lett Volume  23
Pages  34 Mgi Jnum  J:26341
Mgi Id  MGI:75337 Citation  Dickie MM (1960) New mutant - achondroplasia - cn. Mouse News Lett 23:34
abstractText  Full text of MNL contribution: New mutant: A disproportionate dwarfism which may be an achondroplasia occurred spontaneously in strain AKR/J in February 1960. The affected mice have shortened frontals, ulna, radius, tibia, and fibula. At 8-15 days the abnormal animals weigh about 1/3 as much as normal sibs (2.2-2.5 gms compared to 7.7-8.6 gms.). Abnormal adults weigh about 1/2 as much as normals (15 gms. Compared to 32-34 gms.). The normal parents have produced 30 offspring, 8 of which have been dwarfs.
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