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Publication : Chromosomal excision of TCRdelta chain genes is dispensable for alphabeta T cell lineage commitment.

First Author  Khor B Year  2005
Journal  Int Immunol Volume  17
Issue  3 Pages  225-32
PubMed ID  15642954 Mgi Jnum  J:101719
Mgi Id  MGI:3604855 Doi  10.1093/intimm/dxh202
Citation  Khor B, et al. (2005) Chromosomal excision of TCRdelta chain genes is dispensable for alphabeta T cell lineage commitment. Int Immunol 17(3):225-32
abstractText  TCRbeta, delta and gamma chain genes are assembled and expressed in double-negative thymocytes prior to alphabeta or gammadelta T cell lineage commitment. Thus, cells committed to the alphabeta T cell lineage can possess completely assembled TCRdelta and/or TCRgamma chain genes. However, these genes are not expressed. TCRgamma chain gene expression may be silenced through the activity of a cis-acting silencer element. In the TCRalpha/delta locus, the TCRdelta genes lie between the Valpha and Jalpha gene segments, which rearrange by deletion. Moreover, Valpha to Jalpha rearrangements occur on both alleles in essentially all developing alphabeta T cells. Consequently, both TCRdelta chain genes are excised from the chromosome and placed on extrachromosomal circles in mature alphabeta T cells. It has been proposed that this excision process is important for silencing TCRdelta gene expression and permitting alphabeta T cell lineage commitment. A gene-targeting Cre-loxP strategy was used to invert a 75-kb region of the TCRalpha/delta locus encompassing all the Jalpha gene segments, generating the TCRalpha/delta(I) allele. Initial Valpha to Jalpha rearrangements on the TCRalpha/delta(I) allele occur by inversion, resulting in chromosomal retention of TCRdelta chain genes. These TCRdelta chain genes can be productively rearranged and are expressed at levels similar to TCRdelta chain genes in gammadelta T cells. However, alphabeta T cell development appears unperturbed in TCRalpha/delta(I/I) mice. Thus, excision of TCRdelta genes from the chromosome per se is not required for commitment of developing lymphocytes to the alphabeta T cell lineage.
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