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Publication : In vitro myelination using explant culture of dorsal root ganglia: An efficient tool for analyzing peripheral nerve differentiation and disease modeling.

First Author  Numata-Uematasu Y Year  2023
Journal  PLoS One Volume  18
Issue  5 Pages  e0285897
PubMed ID  37224113 Mgi Jnum  J:335853
Mgi Id  MGI:7485244 Doi  10.1371/journal.pone.0285897
Citation  Numata-Uematasu Y, et al. (2023) In vitro myelination using explant culture of dorsal root ganglia: An efficient tool for analyzing peripheral nerve differentiation and disease modeling. PLoS One 18(5):e0285897
abstractText  Peripheral nerves conducting motor and somatosensory signals in vertebrate consist of myelinated and unmyelinated axons. In vitro myelination culture, generated by co-culturing Schwann cells (SCs) and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, is an indispensable tool for modeling physiological and pathological conditions of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). This technique allows researchers to overexpress or downregulate molecules investigated in neurons or SCs to evaluate the effect of such molecules on myelination. In vitro myelination experiments are usually time-consuming and labor-intensive to perform. Here we report an optimized protocol for in vitro myelination using DRG explant culture. We found that our in vitro myelination using DRG explant (IVMDE) culture not only achieves myelination with higher efficiency than conventional in vitro myelination methods, but also can be used to observe Remak bundle and non-myelinating SCs, which were unrecognizable in conventional methods. Because of these characteristics, IVMDE may be useful in modeling PNS diseases, including Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT), in vitro. These results suggest that IVMDE may achieve a condition more similar to peripheral nerve myelination observed during physiological development.
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