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Publication : α3(V) collagen is critical for glucose homeostasis in mice due to effects in pancreatic islets and peripheral tissues.

First Author  Huang G Year  2011
Journal  J Clin Invest Volume  121
Issue  2 Pages  769-83
PubMed ID  21293061 Mgi Jnum  J:171817
Mgi Id  MGI:5000156 Doi  10.1172/JCI45096
Citation  Huang G, et al. (2011) alpha3(V) collagen is critical for glucose homeostasis in mice due to effects in pancreatic islets and peripheral tissues. J Clin Invest 121(2):769-83
abstractText  Collagen V, broadly expressed as alpha1(V)2 alpha2(V) heterotrimers that regulate collagen fibril geometry and strength, also occurs in some tissues, such as white adipose tissue (WAT), pancreatic islets, and skeletal muscle, as the poorly characterized alpha1(V) alpha2(V) alpha3(V) heterotrimer. Here, we investigate the role of alpha3(V) collagen chains by generating mice with a null allele of the alpha3(V) gene Col5a3 (Col5a3-/- mice). Female Col5a3-/- mice had reduced dermal fat and were resistant to high-fat diet-induced weight gain. Male and female mutant mice were glucose intolerant, insulin-resistant, and hyperglycemic, and these metabolic defects worsened with age. Col5a3-/- mice demonstrated decreased numbers of pancreatic islets, which were more susceptible to streptozotocin-induced apoptosis, and islets isolated from mutant mice displayed blunted glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Moreover, Col5a3-/- WAT and skeletal muscle were defective in glucose uptake and mobilization of intracellular GLUT4 glucose transporter to the plasma membrane in response to insulin. Our results underscore the emerging view of the importance of ECM to the microenvironments that inform proper development/functioning of specialized cells, such as adipocytes, beta cells, and skeletal muscle.
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