First Author | Tobin WF | Year | 2023 |
Journal | J Neurosci | Volume | 43 |
Issue | 27 | Pages | 5076-5091 |
PubMed ID | 37290938 | Mgi Jnum | J:353521 |
Mgi Id | MGI:7711080 | Doi | 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2205-22.2023 |
Citation | Tobin WF, et al. (2023) Distinct Features of Interictal Activity Predict Seizure Localization and Burden in a Mouse Model of Childhood Epilepsy. J Neurosci 43(27):5076-5091 |
abstractText | The epileptic brain is distinguished by spontaneous seizures and interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). Basic patterns of mesoscale brain activity outside of seizures and IEDs are also frequently disrupted in the epileptic brain and likely influence disease symptoms, but are poorly understood. We aimed to quantify how interictal brain activity differs from that in healthy individuals, and identify what features of interictal activity influence seizure occurrence in a genetic mouse model of childhood epilepsy. Neural activity across the majority of the dorsal cortex was monitored with widefield Ca(2+) imaging in mice of both sexes expressing a human Kcnt1 variant (Kcnt1(m/m) ) and wild-type controls (WT). Ca(2+) signals during seizures and interictal periods were classified according to their spatiotemporal features. We identified 52 spontaneous seizures, which emerged and propagated within a consistent set of susceptible cortical areas, and were predicted by a concentration of total cortical activity within the emergence zone. Outside of seizures and IEDs, similar events were detected in Kcnt1(m/m) and WT mice, suggesting that the spatial structure of interictal activity is similar. However, the rate of events whose spatial profile overlapped with where seizures and IEDs emerged was increased, and the characteristic global intensity of cortical activity in individual Kcnt1(m/m) mice predicted their epileptic activity burden. This suggests that cortical areas with excessive interictal activity are vulnerable to seizures, but epilepsy is not an inevitable outcome. Global scaling of the intensity of cortical activity below levels found in the healthy brain may provide a natural mechanism of seizure protection.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Defining the scope and structure of an epilepsy-causing gene variant's effects on mesoscale brain activity constitutes a major contribution to our understanding of how epileptic brains differ from healthy brains, and informs the development of precision epilepsy therapies. We provide a clear roadmap for measuring how severely brain activity deviates from normal, not only in pathologically active areas, but across large portions of the brain and outside of epileptic activity. This will indicate where and how activity needs to be modulated to holistically restore normal function. It also has the potential to reveal unintended off-target treatment effects and facilitate therapy optimization to deliver maximal benefit with minimal side-effect potential. |