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Allele : Del(XMagea1-Magea6)1Nju deletion, Chr X, Xiang Gao 1; deletion, Chr X, Model Animal Research Center for Nanjing University

Primary Identifier  MGI:5898330 Allele Type  Targeted
Attribute String  Null/knockout Gene  Del(XMagea1-Magea6)1Nju
Transmission  Germline Strain of Origin  129S6/SvEvTac
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  First, a loxP site flanked neomycin resistance gene cassette was inserted downstream of Magea1 via targeted recombination in ES cells (Igs18). The neo cassette was removed through subsequent cre-mediated recombination. Next, using ES cells targeted in the first stage, a loxP site and an FRT site flanked neo cassette were inserted upstream of Magea6 via targeted recombination (Igs19). The now floxed Mageac1 cluster was deleted through subsequent cre-mediated recombination. This knocks out all six Magea genes in this cluster: Magea6, Magea3, Magea8, Magea2, Magea5, and Magea1 and also removes the second neo cassette. RT-PCR confirmed the knockout of all six genes.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion,
  • Intergenic deletion,
  • Intragenic deletion
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