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Publication : EUCOMM--the European conditional mouse mutagenesis program.

First Author  Friedel RH Year  2007
Journal  Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic Volume  6
Issue  3 Pages  180-5
PubMed ID  17967808 Mgi Jnum  J:152068
Mgi Id  MGI:4355966 Doi  10.1093/bfgp/elm022
Citation  Friedel RH, et al. (2007) EUCOMM--the European conditional mouse mutagenesis program. Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic 6(3):180-5
abstractText  Functional analysis of the mammalian genome is an enormous challenge for biomedical scientists. To facilitate this endeavour, the European Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Program (EUCOMM) aims at generating up to 12 000 mutations by gene trapping and up to 8000 mutations by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. These mutations can be rendered into conditional alleles, allowing Cre recombinase-mediated disruption of gene function in a time- and tissue-specific manner. Furthermore, the EUCOMM program will generate up to 320 mouse lines from the EUCOMM resource and up to 20 new Cre driver mouse lines. The EUCOMM resource of vectors, mutant ES cell lines and mutant mice will be openly available to the scientific community. EUCOMM will be one of the cornerstones of an international effort to create a global mouse mutant resource.
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