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Publication : Thg-1 pit gene expression in granule cells of the developing mouse brain and in their synaptic targets, mature Purkinje, and mitral cells.

First Author  Canterini S Year  2005
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  234
Issue  3 Pages  689-97
PubMed ID  15895388 Mgi Jnum  J:102297
Mgi Id  MGI:3607242 Doi  10.1002/dvdy.20428
Citation  Canterini S, et al. (2005) Thg-1 pit gene expression in granule cells of the developing mouse brain and in their synaptic targets, mature Purkinje, and mitral cells. Dev Dyn 234(3):689-97
abstractText  We have studied the expression of Thg-1 pit in developing and adult mouse brain by in situ hybridization analysis. We show that, at day 12.5 of embryo development, Thg-1 pit expression is restricted to the rhombic lip, subventricular neuroepithelium/mantle zone, and lateral ganglionic eminence, namely the embryonic brain areas where granule cell precursors originate. Thereafter, Thg-1 pit expression landmarks both differentiative steps and the mature function of granule/interneuron cells in several brain districts, including cerebellum, basal forebrain, olfactory bulb, and hippocampus. In the adult, Thg-1 pit becomes also activated in mitral cells of olfactory bulb and in Purkinje cells of cerebellum, in concomitance with full development of the synaptic contacts that Purkinje and mitral cells establish with granule cells. We conclude that Thg-1 pit is relevant to specification, proliferation/migration, differentiation, and mature function of granule/interneuron cells in different brain districts, as well as to the function of mature, but not immature, Purkinje cells and mitral cells.
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