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Publication : Canonical Inflammasomes Drive IFN-γ to Prime Caspase-11 in Defense against a Cytosol-Invasive Bacterium.

First Author  Aachoui Y Year  2015
Journal  Cell Host Microbe Volume  18
Issue  3 Pages  320-32
PubMed ID  26320999 Mgi Jnum  J:243015
Mgi Id  MGI:5907423 Doi  10.1016/j.chom.2015.07.016
Citation  Aachoui Y, et al. (2015) Canonical Inflammasomes Drive IFN-gamma to Prime Caspase-11 in Defense against a Cytosol-Invasive Bacterium. Cell Host Microbe 18(3):320-32
abstractText  The inflammatory caspases 1 and 11 are activated in response to different agonists and act independently to induce pyroptosis. In the context of IL-1beta/IL-18 secretion, however, in vitro studies indicate that caspase-11 acts upstream of NLRP3 and caspase-1. By contrast, studying infection in vivo by the cytosol-invasive bacterium Burkholderia thailandensis, we find that caspase-1 activity is required upstream of caspase-11 to control infection. Caspase-1-activated IL-18 induces IFN-gamma to prime caspase-11 and rapidly clear B. thailandensis infection. In the absence of IL-18, bacterial burdens persist, eventually triggering other signals that induce IFN-gamma. Whereas IFN-gamma was essential, endogenous type I interferons were insufficient to prime caspase-11. Although mice transgenic for caspase-4, the human ortholog of caspase-11, cleared B. thailandensis in vivo, they did not strictly require IFN-gamma priming. Thus, caspase-1 provides priming signals upstream of caspase-11 but not caspase-4 during murine defense against a cytosol-invasive bacterium.
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