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Publication : Androgen-responsive expression and mitogenic activity of schwannoma-derived growth factor on an androgen-dependent Shionogi mouse mammary carcinoma cell line.

First Author  Sonoda H Year  1992
Journal  Biochem Biophys Res Commun Volume  185
Issue  1 Pages  103-9
PubMed ID  1318038 Mgi Jnum  J:27351
Mgi Id  MGI:75299 Doi  10.1016/s0006-291x(05)80961-1
Citation  Sonoda H, et al. (1992) Androgen-responsive expression and mitogenic activity of schwannoma-derived growth factor on an androgen-dependent Shionogi mouse mammary carcinoma cell line. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 185(1):103-9
abstractText  We report here, using the androgen-dependent SC2G cell line derived from Shionogi mouse mammary carcinoma SC115, that cDNA encoding mouse homologue of the rat schwannoma-derived growth factor (SDGF) was isolated and its protein product was identified to be an autocrine growth factor which is expressed in response to androgen in this hormone-dependent cell line. The androgen-independent SC1G cells derived from SC115 were shown to express SDGF even in the absence of androgen, while Northern analysis probed with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA showed that the androgen inducible transcriptional machinery remains functional in this hormone independent cell line.
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