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Publication : TRACE: An Unbiased Method to Permanently Tag Transiently Activated Inputs.

First Author  Krauth N Year  2020
Journal  Front Cell Neurosci Volume  14
Pages  114 PubMed ID  32499680
Mgi Jnum  J:313655 Mgi Id  MGI:6783495
Doi  10.3389/fncel.2020.00114 Citation  Krauth N, et al. (2020) TRACE: An Unbiased Method to Permanently Tag Transiently Activated Inputs. Front Cell Neurosci 14:114
abstractText  A fundamental interest in circuit analysis is to parse out the synaptic inputs underlying a behavioral experience. Toward this aim, we have devised an unbiased strategy that specifically labels the afferent inputs that are activated by a defined stimulus in an activity-dependent manner. We validated this strategy in four brain circuits receiving known sensory inputs. This strategy, as demonstrated here, accurately identifies these inputs.
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