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Publication : Automatic Encodes (AutoE) Reference

First Author  Mouse Genome Informatics Group Year  2003
Journal  Database Procedure Mgi Jnum  J:85324
Mgi Id  MGI:2674025 Citation  Mouse Genome Informatics Group (2003) Automatic Encodes (AutoE) Reference. Database Procedure
abstractText  An automatic procedure is used in MGI to establish "Encodes" (E) relationships between Molecular Segments and Gene records (Markers). The conditions required for the Automatic Encodes (AutoE) procedure to take place are: 1) At least one sequence ID associated with the Molecular Segment is also associated with the Marker, 2) No curated relationship (E or H) exists between the Molecular Segment and the Marker, 3) The Molecular Segment has not been curated as a "Problem Sequence". MGI curators may change an AutoE relationship to a curated relationship.
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