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Publication : Expressed retrotransposed 5S rRNA genes in the mouse and rat genomes.

First Author  Drouin G Year  2000
Journal  Genome Volume  43
Issue  1 Pages  213-5
PubMed ID  10701135 Mgi Jnum  J:60656
Mgi Id  MGI:1353767 Doi  10.1139/g99-100
Citation  Drouin G (2000) Expressed retrotransposed 5S rRNA genes in the mouse and rat genomes. Genome 43(1):213-5
abstractText  The analyses of previously described 5S rRNA gene sequences show that some of the expressed 5S rRNA genes present in the mouse and rat genomes were derived from the retrotransposition of 5S rRNA transcripts. These analyses demonstrate that new 5S rRNA gene copies can originate by retrotransposition and that some of these retrotranscribed genes are expressed.
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