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Publication : Origin of mouse melanomas.

First Author  Larue L Year  2012
Journal  J Invest Dermatol Volume  132
Issue  9 Pages  2135-6
PubMed ID  22895447 Mgi Jnum  J:189807
Mgi Id  MGI:5447081 Doi  10.1038/jid.2012.221
Citation  Larue L (2012) Origin of mouse melanomas. J Invest Dermatol 132(9):2135-6
abstractText  In humans, melanomas are found mostly in the epidermis, whereas mouse melanomas are found in the dermis. It is, however, possible to force mouse melanomas to develop more efficiently in the epidermis. The histological location of a melanoma when discovered, whether in the epidermis or dermis, does not necessarily reflect the location of the original cell.
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