Primary Identifier | MGI:104723 | Organism | mouse, laboratory |
Chromosome | 14 | NCBI Gene Number | 14180 |
Mgi Type | protein coding gene |
description | FUNCTION: Automated description from the Alliance of Genome Resources (Release 7.4.0) Predicted to enable fibroblast growth factor receptor binding activity and growth factor activity. Involved in eye development. Acts upstream of or within several processes, including positive regulation of cell population proliferation; regulation of signal transduction; and skeletal system development. Predicted to be located in basement membrane. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm and extracellular space. Is expressed in several structures, including alimentary system; central nervous system; genitourinary system; heart; and sensory organ. Used to study lung cancer; multiple synostoses syndrome; and pleuropulmonary blastoma. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in kidney cancer and multiple synostoses syndrome 3. Orthologous to human FGF9 (fibroblast growth factor 9). PHENOTYPE: Homozygotes for a targeted null mutation exhibit reduced size, pulmonary hypoplasia, cardiac dilation, impaired testes development resulting in male-to-female sex reversal, abnormal retina, and neonatal lethality. [provided by MGI curators] |