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Publication : Integrating Computational Gene Models into the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Database

First Author  Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators Year  2003
Journal  Database Download Mgi Jnum  J:84900
Mgi Id  MGI:2670556 Citation  Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators (2003) Integrating Computational Gene Models into the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Database. Database Download
abstractText  Transcript sequences associated with novel gene models from Ensembl and NCBI are first compared with each other to generate a union of non-overlapping novel transcripts, and then these transcripts are compared with Genbank mouse sequences associated with MGI markers of type gene, pseudogene, DNA segment, and complex/cluster/region. Transcripts that fail to match anything are loaded as novel gene models, the gene symbols will be Gm1-GmN, and the names will be "gene model 1, <source of gene model>". Provisional NMs are created as the sequence identifiers for novel Ensembl genes that do not overlap with any XM sequences. In addition, chromosome locations are retrieved from NCBI and Ensembl respectively. For more detailed information, please contact MGI at mgi-help@jax.org.
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