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Allele : Tg(Foxp3-HBEGF/EGFP)23.2Spar transgene insertion 23.2, Tim Sparwasser

Primary Identifier  MGI:3849080 Allele Type  Transgenic
Attribute String  Inserted expressed sequence Gene  Tg(Foxp3-HBEGF/EGFP)23.2Spar
Strain of Origin  C57BL/6NCrl Is Recombinase  false
Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  The RP23-267C15 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing at least ten mouse genes was obtained. This BAC was modified by targeting a simian diphtheria toxin receptor-enhanced green fluorescent protein (DTR-eGFP) fusion protein and an SV40 polyA element into the first exon of the Foxp3 (forkhead box P3) locus: none of the other loci on the BAC were mutated. Two high expressing lines (16.1 and 23.2) were established. Analysis revealed selective DTR-eGFP expression within the CD4+ T cell compartment, with the highest expression within the CD25+ subset.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion
  • synonyms:
  • Foxp3-IRES-DTR-GFP BAC-Tg,
  • Tg(Foxp3-DTR/EGFP)23.2Spar,
  • Foxp3-IRES-DTR-GFP BAC-Tg,
  • Tg(Foxp3-DTR/EGFP)1Ebe,
  • DEREG,
  • DEREG,
  • Tg(Foxp3-DTR/EGFP)23.2Spar,
  • Tg(Foxp3-DTR/EGFP)1Ebe
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Mouse alleles --> Mammalian phenotypes (MP terms)



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