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Publication : Cloning of guinea pig surfactant protein A defines a distinct cellular distribution pattern within the lung.

First Author  Yuan HT Year  1997
Journal  Am J Physiol Volume  273
Issue  4 Pt 1 Pages  L900-6
PubMed ID  9357868 Mgi Jnum  J:43864
Mgi Id  MGI:1099054 Doi  10.1152/ajplung.1997.273.4.L900
Citation  Yuan HT, et al. (1997) Cloning of guinea pig surfactant protein A defines a distinct cellular distribution pattern within the lung. Am J Physiol 273(4 Pt 1):L900-6
abstractText  A full-length cDNA to guinea pig pulmonary surfactant protein (SP) A was cloned by screening a newborn guinea pig lung cDNA library with a human SP-A cDNA probe. The full-length guinea pig SP-A cDNA consists of 1,839 bp and is highly conserved at both nucleotide and amino acid sequence levels with those from other species. As expected, guinea pig SP-A mRNA is abundantly expressed in adolescent lung tissue and is undetectable in nonpulmonary tissues. In situ hybridization studies clearly show a unique cellular distribution pattern of SP-A mRNA within the guinea pig lung. SP-A mRNA expression is confined to cells of the alveolar epithelium with no expression in the bronchiolar epithelial cells, whereas SP-B mRNA is expressed in both alveolar and bronchiolar epithelial cell populations. This distinct expression pattern suggests that the guinea pig lung will be a useful model in which to study expression of transcription factors implicated in the regulation of SP genes.
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