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Publication : Mice lacking insulin receptor substrate 4 exhibit mild defects in growth, reproduction, and glucose homeostasis.

First Author  Fantin VR Year  2000
Journal  Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab Volume  278
Issue  1 Pages  E127-33
PubMed ID  10644546 Mgi Jnum  J:59964
Mgi Id  MGI:1352346 Doi  10.1152/ajpendo.2000.278.1.E127
Citation  Fantin VR, et al. (2000) Mice lacking insulin receptor substrate 4 exhibit mild defects in growth, reproduction, and glucose homeostasis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 278(1):E127-33
abstractText  The insulin receptor substrates (IRSs) function in insulin signaling. Four members of the family, IRS-1 through IRS-4, are known. Previously, mice with targeted disruption of the genes for IRS-1, -2, and -3 have been characterized. To examine the physiological role of IRS-4, we have generated and characterized mice lacking IRS-4. Male IRS-4-null mice were approximately 10% smaller in size than wild-type male mice at 9 wk of age and beyond, whereas the female null mice were of normal size. Breeding pairs of IRS-4-null mice reproduced less well than wild-type mice. IRS-4-null mice exhibited slightly lower blood glucose concentration than the wild-type mice in both the fasted and fed states, but the plasma insulin concentrations of the IRS-4-null mice in the fasted and fed states were normal. IRS-4-null mice also showed a slightly impaired response in the oral glucose tolerance test. Thus the absence of IRS-4 caused mild defects in growth, reproduction, and glucose homeostasis.
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