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Publication : Reduced extinction of hippocampal-dependent memories in CPEB knockout mice.

First Author  Berger-Sweeney J Year  2006
Journal  Learn Mem Volume  13
Issue  1 Pages  4-7
PubMed ID  16452649 Mgi Jnum  J:135794
Mgi Id  MGI:3794477 Doi  10.1101/lm.73706
Citation  Berger-Sweeney J, et al. (2006) Reduced extinction of hippocampal-dependent memories in CPEB knockout mice. Learn Mem 13(1):4-7
abstractText  CPEB is a sequence-specific RNA binding protein that regulates translation at synapses. In neurons of CPEB knockout mice, synaptic efficacy is reduced. Here, we have performed a battery of behavioral tests and find that relative to wild-type animals, CPEB knockout mice, although similar on many baseline behaviors, have reduced extinction of memories on two hippocampal-dependent tasks. A corresponding microarray analysis reveals that about 0.14% of hippocampal genes have an altered expression in the CPEB knockout mouse. These data suggest that CPEB-dependent local protein synthesis may be an important cellular mechanism underlying extinction of hippocampal-dependent memories.
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