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Publication : IL-21 receptor is required for the systemic accumulation of activated B and T lymphocytes in MRL/MpJ-Fas(lpr/lpr)/J mice.

First Author  Rankin AL Year  2012
Journal  J Immunol Volume  188
Issue  4 Pages  1656-67
PubMed ID  22231702 Mgi Jnum  J:181205
Mgi Id  MGI:5309070 Doi  10.4049/jimmunol.1003871
Citation  Rankin AL, et al. (2012) IL-21 receptor is required for the systemic accumulation of activated B and T lymphocytes in MRL/MpJ-Fas(lpr/lpr)/J mice. J Immunol 188(4):1656-67
abstractText  MRL/MpJ-Fas(lpr/lpr)/J (MRL(lpr)) mice develop lupus-like disease manifestations in an IL-21-dependent manner. IL-21 is a pleiotropic cytokine that can influence the activation, differentiation, and expansion of B and T cell effector subsets. Notably, autoreactive CD4(+) T and B cells spontaneously accumulate in MRL(lpr) mice and mediate disease pathogenesis. We sought to identify the particular lymphocyte effector subsets regulated by IL-21 in the context of systemic autoimmunity and, thus, generated MRL(lpr) mice deficient in IL-21R (MRL(lpr).IL-21R(-/-)). Lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, which are characteristic traits of the MRL(lpr) model were significantly reduced in the absence of IL-21R, suggesting that immune activation was likewise decreased. Indeed, spontaneous germinal center formation and plasma cell accumulation were absent in IL-21R-deficient MRL(lpr) mice. Correspondingly, we observed a significant reduction in autoantibody titers. Activated CD4(+) CD44(+) CD62L(lo) T cells also failed to accumulate, and CD4(+) Th cell differentiation was impaired, as evidenced by a significant reduction in CD4(+) T cells that produced the pronephritogenic cytokine IFN-gamma. T extrafollicular helper cells are a recently described subset of activated CD4(+) T cells that function as the primary inducers of autoantibody production in MRL(lpr) mice. Importantly, we demonstrated that T extrafollicular helper cells are dependent on IL-21R for their generation. Together, our data highlighted the novel observation that IL-21 is a critical regulator of multiple pathogenic B and T cell effector subsets in MRL(lpr) mice.
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