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Publication : Isolation and mapping of a human gene (RABL) encoding a small GTP-binding protein homologous to the Ras-related RAB gene.

First Author  Han HJ Year  1996
Journal  Cytogenet Cell Genet Volume  73
Issue  1-2 Pages  137-9
PubMed ID  8646882 Mgi Jnum  J:33991
Mgi Id  MGI:81471 Doi  10.1159/000134325
Citation  Han HJ, et al. (1996) Isolation and mapping of a human gene (RABL) encoding a small GTP-binding protein homologous to the Ras-related RAB gene. Cytogenet Cell Genet 73(1-2):137-9
abstractText  Many subgroups of the RAB gene, a member of the RAS superfamily have been identified. Here we report the isolation and analysis of a cDNA encoding a putative small GTP-binding protein, designated RABL, from a human fetal lung cDNA library. RABL encodes 216 amino acids that are 86% identical to members of the RAB5 subfamily and it shows 94% homology in nucleotide sequence with RAB5C of dog. This gene was expressed ubiquitously in all human tissues examined. By fluorescence in situ hybridization we mapped RABL to chromosome band 17q21.2.
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