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Comment :

Type  MGI:General Description  the delivery of homozygous mutant litters is significantly retarded (21.6 ± 0.2 days) relative to the delivery of wild-type litters (19.6 ± 0.2 days); once initiated, labor progresses rapidly many of the pups arising from matings of homozygous deficient parents die perinatally despite normal pup size, degree of development, and litter size likewise, matings of homozygous mutant females with wild-type or heterozygous males result in delayed delivery at day 22 ± 0.5 of gestation with reduced fetal viability administration of prostaglandin F receptor to homozygous mutant matings at day 19.5 of gestation results in labor within 24 hrs and restores neonatal viability matings of homozygous mutant males with heterozygous females do not result in increased neonatal mortality, suggesting that female heterozygotes exhibit a normal onset of labor