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Publication : Canine homolog and exclusion of retinal degeneration slow (rds) as the gene for early retinal degeneration (erd) in the dog.

First Author  Moghrabi WN Year  1995
Journal  Exp Eye Res Volume  61
Issue  5 Pages  641-3
PubMed ID  8654508 Mgi Jnum  J:30179
Mgi Id  MGI:77693 Doi  10.1016/s0014-4835(05)80059-4
Citation  Moghrabi WN, et al. (1995) Canine homolog and exclusion of retinal degeneration slow (rds) as the gene for early retinal degeneration (erd) in the dog [letter]. Exp Eye Res 61(5):641-3
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