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Publication : Subtype specification of GABAergic amacrine cells by the orphan nuclear receptor Nr4a2/Nurr1.

First Author  Jiang H Year  2009
Journal  J Neurosci Volume  29
Issue  33 Pages  10449-59
PubMed ID  19692620 Mgi Jnum  J:151918
Mgi Id  MGI:4355588 Doi  10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3048-09.2009
Citation  Jiang H, et al. (2009) Subtype specification of GABAergic amacrine cells by the orphan nuclear receptor Nr4a2/Nurr1. J Neurosci 29(33):10449-59
abstractText  In the mammalian retina, amacrine cells (ACs) contain numerous subtypes with extremely diverse morphologies and physiological functions. To date, how these subtypes arise during retinogenesis remains largely unknown at the molecular level. The orphan nuclear receptor Nr4a2 plays an essential role in specifying ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and its mutations are associated with familial Parkinson's disease. Here we show that Nr4a2 is also critically involved in the specification of AC subtype identity. During mouse retinogenesis, Nr4a2 is expressed in a subset of postmitotic GABAergic ACs and their precursors. Its targeted inactivation results in the loss of a subpopulation of GABAergic ACs that include all dopaminergic and p57Kip2(+) neurons as well as a simultaneous increase of calbindin(+) ACs. Misexpressed Nr4a2 can promote GABAergic AC differentiation and repress calbindin(+) ACs, whereas its dominant-negative form has the ability to suppress the GABAergic AC fate. Moreover, the expression of Nr4a2 is positively regulated by Foxn4 and negatively controlled by Brn3b, two retinogenic factors previously shown to promote and suppress GABAergic ACs, respectively. These data suggest that Nr4a2 is both necessary and sufficient to confer AC precursors with the identity of a GABAergic AC phenotype, and that it may network with multiple other retinogenic factors to ensure proper specification and differentiation of AC neurotransmitter subtypes.
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