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Publication : Activation of beta-catenin signaling by Rspo1 controls differentiation of the mammalian ovary.

First Author  Chassot AA Year  2008
Journal  Hum Mol Genet Volume  17
Issue  9 Pages  1264-77
PubMed ID  18250098 Mgi Jnum  J:133933
Mgi Id  MGI:3784663 Doi  10.1093/hmg/ddn016
Citation  Chassot AA, et al. (2008) Activation of beta-catenin signaling by Rspo1 controls differentiation of the mammalian ovary. Hum Mol Genet 17(9):1264-77
abstractText  The sex of an individual is determined by the fate of the gonad. While the expression of Sry and Sox9 is sufficient to induce male development, we here show that female differentiation requires activation of the canonical beta-catenin signaling pathway. beta-catenin activation is controlled by Rspo1 in XX gonads and Rspo1 knockout mice show masculinized gonads. Molecular analyses demonstrate an absence of female-specific activation of Wnt4 and as a consequence XY-like vascularization and steroidogenesis. Moreover, germ cells of XX knockout embryos show changes in cellular adhesions and a failure to enter XX specific meiosis. Sex cords develop around birth, when Sox9 becomes strongly activated. Thus, a balance between Sox9 and beta-catenin activation determines the fate of the gonad, with Rspo1 acting as a crucial regulator of canonical beta-catenin signaling required for female development.
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