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Publication : Differential requirements of CD45 for lymphocyte development and function.

First Author  Kong YY Year  1995
Journal  Eur J Immunol Volume  25
Issue  12 Pages  3431-6
PubMed ID  8566034 Mgi Jnum  J:30239
Mgi Id  MGI:77753 Doi  10.1002/eji.1830251234
Citation  Kong YY, et al. (1995) Differential requirements of CD45 for lymphocyte development and function. Eur J Immunol 25(12):3431-6
abstractText  CD45 exon 6-deficient mice show a profound block of thymocyte development at a transitional differentiation step from immature CD4+ CD8+ to mature single-positive cells. Only a few T lymphocytes are observed in the periphery of such animals, but B cell development is not affected. We investigated whether mature B lymphocytes in CD45 exon 6-deficient mice have normal functions in the absence of CD45 expression and show here that CD45-defective B lymphocytes from CD45 exon 6-deficient mice have intact B lymphocyte functions, including T-dependent and T-independent antigen-specific antibody production and class switching in vivo if normal CD4+ T lymphocytes were adoptively transferred into the mutant mice. From these results, we conclude that CD45 expression on B lymphocytes is not essential for B cell responses following antigen stimulation in vivo. However, CD4+ T helper function was severely diminished in CD45 exon 6-deficient mice, suggesting that the requirements of CD45 molecules in antigen-specific response and development are different between T and B lymphocytes.
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