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Publication : Increased β-catenin activity in the anterior neural plate induces ectopic mid-hindbrain characteristics.

First Author  Paek H Year  2012
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  241
Issue  2 Pages  242-6
PubMed ID  22102609 Mgi Jnum  J:179736
Mgi Id  MGI:5302997 Doi  10.1002/dvdy.22787
Citation  Paek H, et al. (2012) Increased beta-catenin activity in the anterior neural plate induces ectopic mid-hindbrain characteristics. Dev Dyn 241(2):242-6
abstractText  Background: The early telencephalon shares molecular features with the early mid-hindbrain region. In particular, these two developing brain areas each have a signaling center that secretes FGFs and an adjacent one that secretes WNTs. WNTs and FGFs each play essential roles in regulating cell fates in both the telencephalon and mid-hindbrain. Despite this similarity, telencephalic and mid-hindbrain precursors express distinct genes and ultimately generate different cell types, tissue morphologies, and neural functions. Results: Here we show that genetically increasing the level of beta-catenin, a mediator of canonical WNT signaling, in the anterior neural plate causes a loss of telencephalic characteristics and a gain of mid-hindbrain characteristics. Conclusion: These results, together with previous ones demonstrating that increased WNT signaling in the anterior neural plate increases FGF expression, suggest that the levels of WNT and FGF signaling regulate telencephalic versus mid-hindbrain fates. Developmental Dynamics 241:242-246, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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