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Publication : Rescue of Pompe disease in mice by AAV-mediated liver delivery of secretable acid α-glucosidase.

First Author  Puzzo F Year  2017
Journal  Sci Transl Med Volume  9
Issue  418 PubMed ID  29187643
Mgi Jnum  J:252843 Mgi Id  MGI:6098971
Doi  10.1126/scitranslmed.aam6375 Citation  Puzzo F, et al. (2017) Rescue of Pompe disease in mice by AAV-mediated liver delivery of secretable acid alpha-glucosidase. Sci Transl Med 9(418)
abstractText  Glycogen storage disease type II or Pompe disease is a severe neuromuscular disorder caused by mutations in the lysosomal enzyme, acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA), which result in pathological accumulation of glycogen throughout the body. Enzyme replacement therapy is available for Pompe disease; however, it has limited efficacy, has high immunogenicity, and fails to correct pathological glycogen accumulation in nervous tissue and skeletal muscle. Using bioinformatics analysis and protein engineering, we developed transgenes encoding GAA that could be expressed and secreted by hepatocytes. Then, we used adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors optimized for hepatic expression to deliver the GAA transgenes to Gaa knockout (Gaa(-/-)) mice, a model of Pompe disease. Therapeutic gene transfer to the liver rescued glycogen accumulation in muscle and the central nervous system, and ameliorated cardiac hypertrophy as well as muscle and respiratory dysfunction in the Gaa(-/-) mice; mouse survival was also increased. Secretable GAA showed improved therapeutic efficacy and lower immunogenicity compared to nonengineered GAA. Scale-up to nonhuman primates, and modeling of GAA expression in primary human hepatocytes using hepatotropic AAV vectors, demonstrated the therapeutic potential of AAV vector-mediated liver expression of secretable GAA for treating pathological glycogen accumulation in multiple tissues in Pompe disease.
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