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Publication : Sertoli cells in testes containing or lacking germ cells: a comparative study of paracrine effects using the W (c-kit) gene mutant mouse model.

First Author  De Franca LR Year  1994
Journal  Anat Rec Volume  240
Issue  2 Pages  225-32
PubMed ID  7992888 Mgi Jnum  J:20935
Mgi Id  MGI:68992 Doi  10.1002/ar.1092400209
Citation  De Franca LR, et al. (1994) Sertoli cells in testes containing or lacking germ cells: a comparative study of paracrine effects using the W (c-kit) gene mutant mouse model. Anat Rec 240(2):225-32
abstractText  BACKGROUND: Paracrine effects of germ cells on Sertoli cell structure were examined in a mouse model with the W locus (dominant white spotting) mutation in which animals with the W/Wv genotype (referred to as mutants) lack virtually all germ cells. RESULTS: Morphometric determination of Sertoli cell parameters in mutant and control (+/+) animals showed that although the testes of mutant animals were about eight times smaller than controls, the numbers of Sertoli cells in the two groups did not differ. Sertoli cell volume, Sertoli cell cytoplasmic and nuclear volumes, and Sertoli cell surface area in mutant animals were significantly smaller than in control animals. Organelle volumes and surface areas, expressed per cell, did not differ significantly in the two groups with one exception: the volume and surface area of smooth endoplasmic reticulum was significantly reduced in mutant animals. Plasma testosterone levels and tissue testosterone levels/testis were normal, indicating that the effects observed in the mutant animal were not a consequence of androgen insufficiency. Plasma FSH was elevated, probably as a consequence of germ cell depletion, and was thought not to affect Sertoli cell parameters observed. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that paracrine interactions with germ cells do affect Sertoli cells by modifying the amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. These data focus attention on the function of this abundant Sertoli cell organelle in promoting spermatogenesis.
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